It’s a Hogswatch miracle! Just in time for Christmas, on the 23rd of the month – the old Splendid Chaps date – we bring you Night Your Own Terrace, a mini-series of mini-episodes featuring some not-so-mini adventures – and almost an hour of new Night Terrace content!

Anastasia, Eddie and Sue find themselves on Pluto, in Antarctica and even more improbable places in six more bite-sized adventures inspired by suggestions from some of our Kickstarter backers. Now the creators have had a chance to listen to them (several hundred times over, by our calculations), and with their kind permission, we’re making them available to the public. (If you backed the season two Kickstarter campaign, you have already been sent these episodes for free – check your Kickstarter updates for details!)
When do these adventures happen, you ask? We’re never that fussed with continuity here at Night Terrace (well…except for Ben), but we’d say during the the first half of Night Terrace season two – definitely before episode five (Ancient History). But these mini-episodes are specifically designed to be listened to in any order you like – why not play them at random? It’s what we do!
Night Your Own Terrace consists of six episodes, starring Jackie Woodburne, Ben McKenzie and Petra Elliott, each 7 to 10 minutes in length for a total running time of around 50 minutes – making it twice as long as our last mini-series!
It’s available now from this site and in our Bandcamp store – pick up a copy today at the bargain price of $10.