While season three is still in COVID-related limbo, we have managed to make a little bit of new Night Terrace! Ben McKenzie has collaborated with Petra Elliott and Melbourne comedian and actor Damian Callinan to produce “The Bodgy Files”, a Night Terrace mini-adventure that sees the hapless Eddie Jones exploring the fictional town of Bodgy Creek.
The Bodgy Creek Community Podcast is hosted by local AFL coach, winemaker and alpaca farmer Troy Carrington and bunch of other Bodgy Creek locals, all played by Callinan. Over the course of the season, the town deals with coronavirus restrictions and increasingly unusual alternate methods for finishing out the season of the local Caxton Valley League football competition. In episode 15, “The Mutton Gully Portal“, one of the locals finds an audio recording device recounting the exploration of the town by someone called “Eddie”, who claims to travel through space and time in a house named “Night Terrace”…
Damian created Bodgy Creek for his solo shows Sportsman’s Night (2010) and The Merger (2015). He adapted The Merger into a feature film in 2018, and its production and release were accompanied by two seasons of the Bodgy Creek Football Club podcast. After the lockdown forced the cancellation of Callinan’s live performances, he started the sequel Bodgy Creek Community Podcast as a way to keep in touch with his audience and generate some income – you can become a member of the Bodgy Creek Roosters football club!
Ben has been looking for an opportunity to work with Damian for a while, and together they cooked up this scheme to crossover the worlds of Bodgy Creek and Night Terrace. It’s only short, but we hope it’ll be a good opportunity for fans of both to discover the other!
Find the podcast at bodgycreekcommunitypodcast.com, or find it on Facebook and follow the link to see the membership options if you want to support more great Australian audio comedy.