Stage 4 Training Module: Instruction 04

The fourth instruction for the D.E.P.A.R.T.M.E.N.T. Stage 4 Training Module. A transcript appears below. If you require clarification, please visit the FOR YOUR EARS ONLY information page.

While the D.E.P.A.R.T.M.E.N.T. is operating underground, I am unable to give you clear coordinates for this mission. Use the initial of your middle name to plot your path. For example, if your middle name is Zoe, travel along the street heading East, then diagonally across the street, then head East again. If it’s Luke, turn left (not right, Donna) at the end of the road. If it’s Warren, I don’t know what to tell you. Figure it out. 

At the end location, there will be an item of interest to the D.E.P.A.R.T.M.E.N.T. Use your toileting entertainment device’s camera function to discreetly snapshot this intelligence, then transmit back to the D.E.P.A.R.T.M.E.N.T. via the channel of the bird, using #TerraceTo5K. Our analysts will know what to do. Ensure that the subject within the image is not necessarily the object of first focus. Remember: we are testing your ability to code your message within a message.